RBC Wealth Management Parsippany Complex representatives present a check for $1,000 raised at the Tour de Swamp spinning fundraiser on June 3. From left to right: RBC Administrative Complex Manager Amy Antonellis, RBC Vice President & Assistant Complex Manager Rosa de la Rosa-Urtula, GSWA’s Executive Director Sally Rubin, RBC Complex Director Eric Siber, and GSWA’s Director of Coporate & Foundation Relations Rick Porter. Credit: GSWA/S. Reynolds
On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, RBC Wealth Management Parsippany Complex held its regular Tour de Swamp, an exercise (spinning) event designed to raise money for the Great Swamp Watershed Association’s (GSWA) many water quality programs, including our chemical stream monitoring, macroinvertebrate surveys, and summertime E. coli testing.