Jan 17

Plant for Pollinators Webinar Series Hosted by GSWA

Plant it and they will come

GSWA 2025 Native Plant Webinar SeriesMORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY (January 20, 2025) — Great Swamp Watershed Association (GSWA) announced today they will host the 5th Plant for Pollinators webinar series focused on native plants and the essential role pollinators play in the ecosystem. In partnership with plant program partners and led by nationally acclaimed experts, these hour-long information packed webinars lead up to the organization’s annual, online Native Plant for Pollinators plant sale that runs April 1-18, 2025. Registration and information can be found at GreatSwamp.org or 973-538-3500.

“We’re really excited at the growth of our Plant for Pollinators program, now entering its fifth year!” stated Hazel England, GSWA Director of Education, Outreach, and Land Stewardship. “In addition to encouraging residents to plant native in their yards, we’re building community partnerships with our plant sale volunteers and partners as this program grows. In fact, we just picked up two new partners in Bergen and Passaic County, building our downstream and regional connections.”

Through the webinar series, participants will learn about the importance of biodiversity conservation in suburban and urban landscape, the specific ‘how-tos‘ of transforming a yard from lawn to a wildflower plant-filled space, and some secret life history about the more than 4,000 species of native bees.

Following are the webinar dates, topics, and associated speakers:

January 29, 7-8 PM:  From Wasteland to Wonder – Biodiversity Shifts that can Heal the Earth Presenter: Basil Camu – treecologist, arborist, and author of “From Wasteland to Wonder: Easy Ways We Can Help Heal Earth in the Sub/Urban Landscape.”

February 27, 7-8 PM:  Native Garden Transformations
Presenter: Bianca Wright, Practical Gardening with Natives

March 19, 7-8 PM:  The Secret Lives of Wild Bees
Presenter: Nick Dorian – ecologist, educator, and naturalist

March 31, 7-8 PM:  Plant for Pollinators: Plant Sale Overview and Prep
Presenter: Hazel England – GSWA Director of Education, Outreach, and Land Stewardship

GSWA’s online Native Pollinator Plant Sale runs April 1, 12 Noon through April 18, 5 PM. Order pickup times vary by location May 3 – 4 with 16 regional location options. A preview of the 37 native perennials and 6 kits available for purchase will be available mid-March.

“This year’s plant selections are an exciting combination of new-to-the-sale perennials along with familiar favorites,” continued England. “Also available are 6 carefully curated kits selected for a range of conditions from wet, dry, sunny and shady- to make purchasing trouble free.”

The organization encourages the public to, “Give back to the earth” by volunteering to assist with sorting and processing April 28 – May 2 at their Morristown-based headquarters, and pickup at regional locations on May 3 – 4. Email nrago@greatswamp.org to participate.

Operated by the Great Swamp Watershed Association and its Plant Program Partners, the Native Plant Program is supported by promotional efforts and volunteers from 16 local towns and 8 non-governmental organizations. For additional information and to register for these free webinars, visit GreatSwamp.org.

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