Mar 20

Our Office is Closed, But Nature is Wide Open!

By Val Thorpe, GSWA Director of Communications & Membership

These are obviously challenging times. Many of us are working from home and those four walls can close in pretty fast. Remaining indoors for extended periods of time can really take a toll on your mind, body and soul. So, before that happens, schedule some time each day to step outside and breathe in the fresh air.* Go for a walk, run, or hike. And bring the family along. Immersing yourself into nature is known to reduce stress, anger, and fear while increasing pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature also contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

Wondering where to go? Our Conservation Management Area (CMA) located on Tiger Lily Lane in Harding Township, offers 73 wooded acres of boardwalk and mulched trails. It’s a great opportunity to spread out and keep fit. Trees are budding, birds are singing, and the Silver Brook Stream is flowing. There are two trailheads on Tiger Lily Lane, the Horizon Trail, which is located approximately halfway down the road, and the main trail head, which is located at the end of the cul-de-sac. The CMA is dog-friendly so, bring your leashed pup along, and please be prepared to clean up after any messes.

Can’t get to the CMA? Go for a walk around the block, or take a bike ride, or open your door and challenge your family to a backyard game of soccer, cornhole, or badminton. Your endorphins will take it from there!

And you can count on us to provide you and your family with virtual outdoor experiences like hikes, entertaining educational features for your kids, and more. Make a note to check out our website and Facebook as we continue to create and upload content.

While you’re outside, continue to practice social distancing and follow all safety guidelines. Take care of yourself and your family and remember to check on your neighbors who may be in need. We will get through this together.

*If you are sick or under a quarantine and required you to stay indoors, please do so. Please follow all current safety guidelines.

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