Nov 16

Donations to save Noe Pond to benefit Save Drew Forest efforts


November 11, 2022…Morristown, New Jersey. It is with pleasure that the Great Swamp Watershed Association (GSWA) announces the successful result of the collaboration that grew between the organization and “Save Noe Pond,” a local volunteer advocacy group serving as guardians over the Noe Pond area in Chatham Township, New Jersey.

“When we were asked to help in the initiative to prevent a real estate developer from utilizing property that houses a family swim club in order to build multi-family housing, we immediately agreed,” noted Sally Rubin, the Executive Director of GSWA. “We were excited by the opportunity to assist in maintaining the integrity of the area and preserving this important open space.”

GSWA saw a natural connection with Save Noe Pond, a group dedicated to protecting the historic Noe Pond property from overdevelopment that would bring substantial harm to the delicate wetlands and wildlife on and around the property, including the land adjacent to the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge.

After participating in the effort, GSWA was gratified the property was purchased back from the developer thereby securing the future of the Noe Pond area.

But there is more good news.

“Nearly $13,000 remained of the funds raised through the efforts of Save Noe Pond and GSWA.  We decided to put those resources to good use,” added Rich Rein, one of the liaisons of Save Noe Pond. “In fact, we were able to leverage one situation to address the pressing needs of another, to help save Drew Forest.”

As Friends of Drew Forest found the Forest Preserves at risk of being rezoned and sold to a real estate developer to convert into housing units, the similarity of their circumstances to the Noe Pond scenario was obvious. As a result, GSWA is pitching in to help support this cause as well.

“It is our mission to ensure that Drew Forest be permanently protected and sustained as open space through a conservation sale at fair market value. This would preserve 53 intact acres of mature forest and glacial ponds, including the 22 acres of public trails, critical aquifer recharge for 31 municipalities, impossible-to-replicate carbon sequestration, and unique regional opportunities for education,” said Lydia Chambers, one of the founders of Friends of Drew Forest.   She concluded, To accomplish this, we launched a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization driven by environmental leaders from Madison and neighboring towns along with dedicated community volunteers and Drew University alumni.”


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