Our Mission
The Great Swamp Watershed Association protects and improves the health of the Passaic River through science, education, land preservation and stewardship, and advocacy.
Our Vision
We support a “One River, One Community” vision for the many rural, suburban, and urban communities along the Passaic River, for a future in which all the region’s citizens understand that the health of the watershed is integrally connected to the quality of their daily lives. We imagine a time in which residents, businesses, and governments along the Passaic work actively and cooperatively to protect and promote clean, safe water, and in turn are rewarded with a bountiful environment that supplies healthy water for drinking and recreation, provides controls for flooding and erosion, supports abundant vegetation and wildlife, and forever inspires with its natural beauty.
Waterkeeper Alliance Mission
Waterkeeper Alliance strengthens and grows a global network of grassroots leaders protecting everyone’s right to clean water. United as one powerful force, Waterkeeper Alliance fights for every community’s right to drinkable, fishable, swimable water. Great Swamp Watershed Association is the Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate for the Passaic River.