Student volunteer Amanda Ostella (center) was honored with a special dish of flower selected for her by GSWA staff member Kelly Martin (left). Here the two stand with Amanda’s proud father. Credit: GSWA/S. Reynolds
On Thursday June 26, 2015, the Great Swamp Watershed Association threw a party in honor of all the volunteers who provided their invaluable assistance to our many environmental programs over the past year.
Turnout for the event was spectacular, with more than 60 volunteers and their family members showing up to the celebration.
Some of our volunteers, such as Amanda Ostella (at right, center), were given special honors for extraordinary volunteer services rendered in recent months. Others receiving special honors included Wes Boyce (Bernardsville), Ann Campbell (Lumberton), Federico Nealon (Jersey City), Jim Northrop (Madison), and GSWA Trustee Kathy Pfeil (Millington).