Oct 28

GSWA Annual Gala – a Big Night with a Vegan Challenge


GSWA’s annual Gala, our biggest fundraiser of the year, took place on October 3. Our distinguished honoree, Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill,  underscored the need to focus on clean water, and thanked us for inspiring her and our community to be “environmental leaders and good stewards to our air, water, and land.”

This year, we introduced something unique, a “vegan challenge,” where attendees could support GSWA and the environment without spending a dime. This proposition was the brainchild of four anonymous donors who teamed up to offer a $75 donation to GSWA for every vegan meal served at the Gala. We are thrilled to announce that it was a great success! Of the nearly 400 people who attended the Gala, 242 went vegan that night, raising an additional $18,150! But that is only one part of the story.

That one vegan meal served on just one night generated a sizable donation, and it saved valuable resources.

By serving 242 plant-based meals, compared to average animal-based meals, we saved roughly:

• 90,000 gallons of water

• 2,430 square feet of forest (not cleared for feed lots)

• 1,620 pounds of Co2

• 3,240 pounds of grain (cattle feed, by cutting out the middle-cow or chicken)

• 81 Animal lives (A plant-based diet is not only healthier for animals, but also for you)

We are grateful to all who attended and supported this year’s Gala. A big thank you to the four anonymous donors behind the vegan challenge, and to our generous Gala underwriters.

See you there next year!


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