CONDO Development Plan may significantly DEGRADE our GREAT SWAMP WATERSHED Conservation Management Area The proposed S/K Mt. Kemble development plan is for a 96-unit residential, multi-family condominium complex including affordable housing with a community clubhouse, playground, pool, and dog park. This 15.5-acre, triangular shaped, forested parcel flanks Route 287 on one side and the Mt. Kemble office complex on another side. The third side bumps up against wetlands which connect to GSWA's 73-acre Conservation Management Area (CMA) under Route 287. Converting woods to pavement and rooftops significantly increases impervious surface cover. This increases stormwater volume, likely resulting in downstream flooding, added nonpoint pollutant loading, and erosion of both Silver Brook and Great Brook. GSWA strongly opposes this proposed development* and we are deeply concerned about the environmental impact we anticipate on our freshwater wetlands, water quality, recharge, and stormwater. Following are some of our major concerns: Encroachments into freshwater wetlands, encroachments into and alteration of the wetland transition areas (buffers). In some cases, these wetland encroachments would necessitate importing large amounts of fill that would be needed to recontour buffer areas or will be covered by impervious surfaces. Significant increases in pollutant loading to Silver Brook due to the fact that the […]