SOLD OUT: Pollinator Box Workshop

Great Swamp Watershed Association HQ 568 Tempe Wick Rd, Morristown, NJ, United States

SORRY, THIS WORKSHOP IS SOLD OUT Please email if you need to cancel, or to be placed on a waitlist Did you know some bees don’t live in hives? Come get the scoop about pollinator boxes and how they benefit the environment. This workshop will be “the bee’s knees!” (We apologize for that.) Join us for an evening of building, learning and all-around good fun as we talk about the importance of solitary bees and pollinator habitats to the ecosystem, and build a pollinator box of your own to take home! Cost: $30/box. This workshop is limited to the first 10 people who register. Missing this event will really sting, so make sure you register today!


Signs of Spring Hike

Garret Mountain Reservation Lambert Castle Parking Lot, 3 Valley Rd., Paterson, NJ, United States

Spring is just around the corner, and all the plants and animals around us are preparing for the upcoming season. Come learn about how our flora and fauna survive the winter season, and what cues let them know that spring is coming. You will also get to learn some history of the area! Weather conditions in early March can be extremely variable, so please make sure to dress appropriately. The hike will be just over 3 miles long with 400 feet of elevation change.

$10.00 – $20.00

SOLD OUT: Vernal Pool Hike

Great Swamp Watershed Association's CMA 1 Tiger Lily Ln, Morristown, NJ, United States

SORRY, THIS HIKE IS SOLD OUT Please email if you need to cancel, or to be placed on a waitlist With temperatures rising, the forest floor will be hopping with new life as frogs and other amphibians crowd into shallow puddles of water to breed and lay their eggs. These puddles, called vernal pools, provide a perfect opportunity to learn more about Mother Nature here in New Jersey. But we have to hurry! They disappear quickly. This annual Vernal Pool Exploration provides a fun, outdoor learning experience for kids and adults alike. Discover the differences between a spring peeper, a chorus frog, and a wood frog. Find out how far an endangered spotted salamander will walk to find a mating pool. And, learn how much everything we have come to appreciate about the springtime depends upon a few unassuming puddles of water on the forest floor. Warm clothing and waterproof footwear, especially hiking boots, are strongly recommended.

$5.00 – $40.00

Plant for Pollinators Plant Sale Overview

Zoom Webinar Morristown, NJ, United States

There has been a change in speaker for this webinar. To launch Day 1 of our 4th Annual Native "Plant for Pollinators" sale, GSWA's Education, Land Steward, and Water Quality Associate, Ginger Van Ryzin, will provide an in-depth look at each of the 37 selections being offered as individual species and within six kits suitable for a range of garden conditions.  Ginger will review why native plants are important, cover the new species in this year’s sale, and delve into the various pollinator species these native plants will particularly attract.  Learn more about how to start, add, or amend your growing native pollinator garden.  You’ll leave energized knowing the amazing benefits these 37 different native species can bring to your yard and you'll be ready to shop the sale. We will also walk you through our online storefront, simple ordering process, and amazing online resources on the site. If you’re considering starting or expanding your native pollinator garden, you’re going to want to check this out! You will receive your Zoom link prior to the start of the webinar. While this speaker program series is free for all participants, a suggested donation of $5-$10 is appreciated to help offset the […]

Free – $40.00

Volunteer for Community Workday

Great Swamp Watershed Association's CMA 1 Tiger Lily Ln, Morristown, NJ, United States

Ready to get a little dirty and sweaty in the swamp? Need community service hours? College students, are you looking for something worthy to add to your resume?! Join us on Friday at the GSWA Conservation Management Area (CMA) to help us steward the land. We will work from 10AM to 1PM and enjoy some well-earned snacks. We could really use your help getting our CMA tidied up by helping us with the following tasks: Carry in lumber • Build and elevate boardwalks which allows hikers to get through flooded areas • Clear branches and limbs from recent storms • Remove invasive plants • Spread woodchips on our trails.   Be sure to wear long pants, long sleeves, and hiking boots or old shoes you don’t mind getting muddy. Bring a hat and a reusable water bottle. We will provide bug spray, sun block, gloves, and all tools you will need. You’ll work hard, but will also share in some laughs, and enjoy delicious snacks. What better way to spend a Saturday morning? See you there!


Stream Assessment Training- FREE

Morristown & Morris Township Library 1 Miller Rd, Morristown, NJ, United States

Unless there's obvious pollution in the river or stream, to the untrained eye, the water may look healthy. But is it? This free training session, led by Sandra LaVigne, GSWA Director of Water Quality Programs, will provide you with all the necessary skills to make your own determinations. There will be an indoor training which will be hybrid for those who can not attend in person. This session teaches you how to conduct visual and biological stream assessments and recognize environmental factors that could impact stream health. This will be followed by a outdoor field training to practice your new-found skills at a local stream site. By the afternoon, you will be fully trained in visual and biological stream assessment. And if you are ready to take that next step, consider becoming a stream monitoring volunteer! Tools and supplies will be provided. It gets a little messy so wear your boots and bring clean shoes to change into afterward. Preferred volunteers are 15 or older.

Free – $40.00

Plant Program Panel / Q&A

Zoom Webinar NJ, United States

3 friendly, local native plant enthusiasts with years of experience will be available in an interactive webinar to help answer your questions and share advice about choosing, planting, growing and sustaining native plants. You will be able to email questions in advance or ask them during the webinar. Bridget Daley has been an avid gardener for 20+ years. In the last few years, she has immersed herself in learning about and planting native plants. In her yard, Bridget has been shrinking the lawn and removing non-natives -- many of which she previously planted -- including common invasives like English ivy. So far she has replaced them with 71 species of native plants, including trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. Bridget also co-led, with fellow Rutgers Environmental Steward Joan Maccari, the creation of Madison Public Schools Pollinator Habitat, a community project that replaced lawn and non-native shrubs with 600 native plants. She is a member of the Madison Environmental Commission. Jess Miller is a designer by trade and a native plant geek in her off time.  She is a volunteer with the NPSNJ and maintain a Little Native Seed Library outside of her South Orange home.  She works with her local community to […]

Free – $40.00

FULL- Volunteer for Community Workday

Great Swamp Watershed Association's CMA 1 Tiger Lily Ln, Morristown, NJ, United States

THIS COMMUNITY WORKDAY HAS BEEN FILLED Please email if you can no longer make it, or to be placed on a waitlist Ready to get a little dirty and sweaty in the swamp? Need community service hours? College students, are you looking for something worthy to add to your resume?! Join us on Saturday at the GSWA Conservation Management Area (CMA) to help us steward the land. We will work from 10AM to 1PM and enjoy some well-earned snacks. We could really use your help getting our CMA tidied up by helping us with the following tasks: Carry in lumber • Build and elevate boardwalks which allows hikers to get through flooded areas • Clear branches and limbs from recent storms • Remove invasive plants • Spread woodchips on our trails.   Be sure to wear long pants, long sleeves, and hiking boots or old shoes you don’t mind getting muddy. Bring a hat and a reusable water bottle. We will provide bug spray, sun block, gloves, and all tools you will need. You’ll work hard, but will also share in some laughs, and enjoy delicious snacks. What better way to spend a Saturday morning? See you there!


CANCELLED: Spring Flower Paddle- AM

Somerset County Park Commission, Fisherman's Parking Lot Approx. 170 Lord Stirling Road, Basking Ridge, NJ

DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES, THIS PADDLE HAS BEEN CANCELLED. WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED.   Spring Flower AM Paddle Kick off your day with a peaceful spring paddle at the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. By late-April, most tree are bursting with buds with their leaves ready to emerge. Birds like pine warblers and woodcocks are migrating back our way. Spring peepers and chorus frogs are calling. Come experience all this and more from a magical place - the middle of the Passaic River at the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. Children 8 and up are welcome. All participants 15 and under must be accompanied by a parent. There are only 7 spots available – 2 spots/registration max. All participants must be able to swim, be comfortable on the water, and wear clothes and footwear that can (and will) get wet and muddy. Life vests will be provided.   IMPORTANT – Kayak Waiver: Each participant MUST submit one of the forms below. If the person is under the age of 18 then a parent or guardian must sign their form and assume responsibility for the minor. Please complete, sign and bring the form(s) with you. The organizers […]

$30.00 – $40.00

CANCELLED: Spring Flower Paddle- PM

Somerset County Park Commission, Fisherman's Parking Lot Approx. 170 Lord Stirling Road, Basking Ridge, NJ

DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES, THIS PADDLE HAS BEEN CANCELLED. WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED.   Spring Flower PM Paddle Kick off your day with a peaceful spring paddle at the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. By late-April, most tree are bursting with buds with their leaves ready to emerge. Birds like pine warblers and woodcocks are migrating back our way. Spring peepers and chorus frogs are calling. Come experience all this and more from a magical place - the middle of the Passaic River at the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge.   Children 8 and up are welcome. All participants 15 and under must be accompanied by a parent. There are only 7 spots available – 2 spots/registration max. All participants must be able to swim, be comfortable on the water, and wear clothes and footwear that can (and will) get wet and muddy. Life vests will be provided.   IMPORTANT – Kayak Waiver: Each participant MUST submit one of the forms below. If the person is under the age of 18 then a parent or guardian must sign their form and assume responsibility for the minor. Please complete, sign and bring the form(s) with you. The […]

$30.00 – $40.00