Discounted Private Water Testing Program: 4/12-5/8
Long Hill Township Library 917 Valley Rd, Gillette, NJ, United StatesApril 12 - May 7: pick up your water sampling kit at the Long Hill Township Library (a $10 deposit is required at that time.) May 8, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. drop off your water sample at the same location. (Participants MUST be able to adhere to this drop-off date and time-frame.) What's in your water? GSWA is here to help you find out with our popular private water testing program. In exchange for discounted rates, homeowners agree to let GSWA analyze the outcomes of their tests and create a database of results, increasing the organization’s understanding of groundwater quality in our region. Private Well Testing: The test measures several water quality parameters, including total coliform + E. coli, nitrates, manganese, iron, arsenic, copper and lead. The cost for the basic, multi-parameter test is $125 (this test would normally cost over $300). Test add-ons, including pesticides, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, mercury, hardness, and sodium, may be purchased for an additional charge. This test cannot be used to satisfy the requirements of a real estate transaction. Public Water Testing: Residents on public water can opt to test as well. The cost is $45. This includes lead, bacteria, and […]