“New Moon” Hike
Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge 220 Long Hill Road, Gillette, NJ, United StatesCome hike the trails of the Wildlife Observation Center under a new moon, when the stars are at their brightest! A new moon is the first lunar phase, which means the it will not be visible at all. But don't worry, just because it's dark out doesn't mean the inhabitants of the woods have gone to sleep. During this guided hike, we will take advantage of the quiet, crisp February air by listening for the nighttime creatures of Harding Township, like owls, as they become more active for the mating season. Dress for the weather - waterproof boots are recommended. Registration is required. Directions to Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge - Wildlife Observation Center (WOC) Parking Area: Heading North on Long Hill Road, Harding, WOC entrance is 1.8 miles on the left. From Lee's Hill Road, turn South onto Long Hill Road, continue 2 miles, WOC is on the right.