New Trails Hike at the Newly Expanded CMA

Great Swamp Watershed Association's CMA 1 Tiger Lily Ln, Morristown, NJ, United States

Gather up your family and join us on our first-ever hike at our newly preserved 20-acre property in Harding Township. It’s a great way to walk off some post-holiday calories. We’ve wasted no time adding mileage to the Silverbrook Trail, incorporating this new property into our existing Conservation Management Area (CMA). Come explore this newly expanded trail system with our newest Education Associate, Adam Palmer, who is very knowledgeable about winter wildlife and plants. We will also venture onto the newly laid-out Harding Land Trust trails which also connect to the CMA. Dress warmly for the weather because this hike is on, rain, snow, or shine! No dogs for this hike, please. Registration is required.

Get Tickets Free – $40.00

Frozen Falls Hike

Grace Lord Park 223-243 Morris Ave., Boonton, NJ, United States

Shake off the winter blues with Education Associate, Dan Ross, as we stroll along the banks of the frozen Rockaway River! Rivaled only by the Great Falls of Paterson, these falls were once the cornerstone of a thriving industry at the turn of the century. While there is no longer any active industry along its banks, visitors sometimes discover relics of the park’s industrial past! This will be an easy, one-mile hike, perfect for wintertime exploring along this powerful tributary of the Passaic River! We will meet at the Boonton Farmers Market parking lot at 2 Plane St., Boonton. Registration is required. Register online or call 973-538-3500.

Get Tickets Free – $40.00

Groundhog Day Moonlight Hike

Lewis Morris Park 270 Mendham Rd., Morristown, NJ, United States

WE'RE SORRY - THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT!  We promise this hike will only take place once, despite it being Groundhog Day. But you will wish you could experience it again and again. Lewis Morris Park is a fantastic location for a night hike; rich with screech owl habitat, and with a mix of trails and roads to walk no matter what the conditions.  We will kick things off right with hot cocoa and homemade s’mores. We want to make sure you'll be fueled up for the hike. February 2nd is also Candlemas - an ancient Celtic festival marking triumph of light over darkness; the midpoint of the winter season. C'mon out and join us! Conditions might be cold and muddy – please dress accordingly. The hike will have some rolling terrain on trail and road. You’ll enjoy some much-deserved hot chocolate and s’mores at the end of the hike, but feel free to bring along your own water and snacks. Directions From Mendham Road (Old Rt. 24) – turn into the main park entrance “Doe Meadow Road” Bear right at the “Y” to remain on Doe Meadow Road Stay on Doe Meadow Road, passing the Deer Run, Doe Meadow, […]

Sold Out Free – $40.00

Winter Nature Detectives – Kids’ Tracks & Scat Hike

Great Swamp Watershed Association's CMA 1 Tiger Lily Ln, Morristown, NJ, United States

Tired of being trapped indoors? Are your kids in need of an activity to burn off pent-up energy? Gather up your family and head outside to breathe in some crisp fresh air! GSWA Education Associate, Dan Ross, is leading a family-friendly adventure through the snowy forest where you, our nature detectives, will seek out signs of animal behaviors, and the telltale traces they leave behind. Everyone will be on the lookout for animal tracks, working together to identify the various critters, and discover where the tracks may lead. We will also talk about their winter-time activities, and some of the ways they endure throughout the coldest months of the year, in anticipation of the spring thaw. Fun for all ages. Please remember to dress for the weather. Waterproof boots are strongly encouraged. Bring a snack and water if you like.   Registration is required. Register online or call 973-538-3500. We will meet at the cul-de-sac at the end of Tiger Lily Lane at the GSWA Conservation Management Area.

Get Tickets Free – $10.00

“New Moon” Hike

Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge 220 Long Hill Road, Gillette, NJ, United States

Come hike the trails of the Wildlife Observation Center under a new moon, when the stars are at their brightest! A new moon is the first lunar phase, which means the it will not be visible at all. But don't worry, just because it's dark out doesn't mean the inhabitants of the woods have gone to sleep. During this guided hike, we will take advantage of the quiet, crisp February air by listening for the nighttime creatures of Harding Township, like owls, as they become more active for the mating season. Dress for the weather - waterproof boots are recommended. Registration is required.   Directions to Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge - Wildlife Observation Center (WOC) Parking Area:  Heading North on Long Hill Road, Harding, WOC entrance is 1.8 miles on the left. From Lee's Hill Road, turn South onto Long Hill Road, continue 2 miles, WOC is on the right.

Sold Out Free – $40.00

Popcorn and a Movie – “Chasing Ice”

Great Swamp Watershed Association HQ 568 Tempe Wick Rd, Morristown, NJ, United States

SORRY - THIS EVENT IS FULL AND CLOSED. Catch a movie and popcorn with GSWA. "Chasing Ice" is an Emmy award winning, action-inspiring documentary that follows environmental photographer, James Balog, and his team as they chronicle the planet's rapidly melting glaciers in Greenland, Iceland and Alaska. Using time-lapse photography over the course of several years, they capture images that are both breathtaking and horrifying, depicting the drastic erosion of these enormous, ancient glaciers. It will get you thinking... Watch the trailer at  Registration is required. GSWA members are free. For non-members, there's a suggested donation of $10 to help offset the cost of the snacks we will provide.

Sold Out Free – $40.00

Frog Calling Training

Great Swamp Watershed Association HQ 568 Tempe Wick Rd, Morristown, NJ, United States

Can you tell a spring peepers from a wood frogs? What does a carpenter frog sound like and do they live in your neighborhood? Join GSWA and FrogWatch partners Eric Jackson and Tedor Whitman from Cora Hartshorn Arboretum for this hands-on training session to learn your frogs and even become an official FrogWatch volunteer! FrogWatch is a citizen science program using volunteer observations to establish long-term and large-scale data on amphibian populations. Learn how to recognize different species of frogs and toads from their appearance and calls, and how to record your observations into the database. We will work with you to find monitoring locations and you will be frog counting in no time!

St. Paddy’s Day Spring into Green Hike

Watchung Reservation 452 New Providence Road, Mountainside, NJ

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and Spring is just 3 days away! Put some hiking shoes on your feet, gather up your family, and join us on our “Downstream Adventures” hiking series at the Watchung Reservation. There’s lots to see and explore as we hike alongside the Blue Brook. We will take in the scenic gorges and the remnants of the deserted village of Feltville. This hike wouldn't be complete without taking a moment to marvel at the beauty of Lake Surprise. Registration required.

Get Tickets Free – $40.00

“Spring to your Feet” Hike

Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge - Wildlife Observation Center, Harding Twp., NJ, United States

Spring has sprung - we promise! Don't let a little snow get you down. Join us for an adventure at the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge’s Wildlife Observation Center this Saturday, March 24, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, and bring your camera! It’s beautiful with snow on the ground. This hike takes place on boardwalk trails, which means it’s a much easier hike with some snow. If the parking lot is plowed, the hike is on! Once you register, keep an eye on your email for updates. Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge’s Wildlife Observation Center can be tricky to find. This link will take you to the exact location: Directions to Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge - Wildlife Observation Center (WOC) Parking Area:  Heading North on Long Hill Road from Gillette, WOC entrance is 1.8 miles from the Casa Maya restaurant on the left. From Lee's Hill Road in Harding, turn South onto Long Hill Road, continue 2 miles, WOC is on the right. There is a big sign that says:  “Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge’s Wildlife Observation Center.“ Drive through the open gate to get to the parking area.

Get Tickets Free – $40.00

Exploring NJ’s Climate Variability & Change

Great Swamp Watershed Association HQ 568 Tempe Wick Rd, Morristown, NJ, United States

Together, we all just faced some of the most severe weather we've seen in New Jersey since Hurricane Sandy, causing wide-spread power outages, thousands of downed trees, and major structural damage. In less than four weeks, we went from a stone-cold winter, to a beautiful, 80-degree day, to relentless winds, to 26-plus inches of snow in some parts of the state.   In the past decade, New Jersey has experienced its wettest and warmest years in over a century of observations. Extreme events of late suggest that something is happening to our climate regime.   We've asked Dr. David Robinson, a professor in the Department of Geography & a NJ State Climatologist at Rutgers University, to help us explore the physical dimensions of the issue, both short and long term.  Dr. Robinson will also help us learn how we can get more involved in the monitoring of weather and climate conditions in our local regions.  

Get Tickets Free – $40.00