(Location change) Early AM Birding Hike @ Primrose Farm
Primrose Farm (Enter from Barrett Field) Barrett Field, 1413-000460000-000020001-00000, Morristown, NJTHIS HIKE HAS BEEN MOVED TO PRIMROSE FARM We will meet at the Harding Land Trust's Primrose Farms Parking Lot at 7am. This can be a difficult location to get the GPS to bring you to properly as it doesn't have an exact address, and it often wants to take you to a location much further away. The baseball field (Barret Field) where parking is available is located on Brook Dr S, Morristown, NJ off of Bailey's Mill Rd, off of Route 202. Look for the sign saying Barret Field entrance Click HERE for a map of the exact location. If you enter "Brook Dr S, Morristown, NJ" into your GPS it should take you to the correct road but please double check to make sure that it is the one off of Baileys Mill Rd. If you have a problem finding the location, please call Adam at 908-399-5610 New Jersey birding reaches its peak in May! So start your work day off right by exploring the woods of Jockey Hollow with some of the most popular bird watching trails in the area. The park contains important breeding habitat and is home to more than 120 bird species throughout the […]