POSTPONED: Geocaching 101
Kemmerer Library 19 Blue Mill Rd, MorristownThis event has been postponed. Stay tuned for a new date to be announced soon. What is geocaching? Geocaching is a “location-based game” that combines the internet and satellite technology by using any smart phone or GPS to locate hidden containers called “geocaches” These “caches” are marked by GPS coordinates, once you open the app and see what's around, you’ll soon be outside enjoying the fun! This outdoor adventure combines nature, history, and education, it’s a great way to discover and explore new places. Join John Neale, President of the Northern New Jersey Geocaching Club (, as he guides you through the fascinating and popular world of geocaching. NNJC is a non-profit organization with a goal to work with individual counties, the State of New Jersey, National Park Service, and many non-profit land managers to help promote their properties through educational geocaching programs. The boy and girl scouts have geocaching badges too! Also, as we approache the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution you will learn about the NJ American Revolution Geo-Trail, a heritage journey with geocaches located at over 80 historic locations with important connection to NJ and our independence. Info: Come learn more! This program is offered […]