By GSWA Volunteer, Jim Northrop Growing up in Western New York State, I remember that our region was famous for its apple orchards. Not only did they produce delicious fruit... read more →
By Hazel England, GSWA Director of Education and Outreach In light of the current Presidential proposals and plans for defunding certain types of nationally owned land, it is good to... read more →
I mean a vernal pool ---- not a swimming pool (the man-made, permanent, in-ground facility, where the water source is human, not just from nature). Even if you do not... read more →
We spend countless hours every year removing invasive species from our property, the Conservation Management Area (CMA), and while working to remove the endless patches of garlic mustard, we stumbled... read more →
By GSWA Education Associate, Dan Ross After a cold and seemingly endless winter, spring has finally arrived, and with it the plants and trees are beginning to bud up and... read more →
Each year, Americans’ trash production increases by 25% between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, accounting for an extra six million tons of trash during... read more →
After five weeks in a... read more →
A beaver dam on the Passaic River upstream of Fisherman’s Parking Lot during low water levels in August 2014. Rain can raise the water level, making... read more →
High school students from the Pingry School pose with rain barrels they worked to clean and construct for GSWA as part of their 2014 Rufus Gunther... read more →