Registration closes January 20, 11:00 AM
Take it to the Riverbank: Waterfront views may be popular, but what happens when we develop too close to a waterway? Riverside plants, or “Riparian Buffers” act as filters to slow and clean polluted runoff protecting our streams, groundwater and downstream land areas.
Grab your lunch and join us for a FREE Zoom webinar as we learn about how trees, shrubs, and grasses perform this essential service. We will look at examples of functioning riparian buffers and talk about those that have needed restoration for many years due to human activity. While this program is free for all participants, a small donation is always appreciated to help offset the cost of staff time. :-)
You will receive the webinar Zoom link via email prior to the start of the program.
Check out the last webinar in this 3-part series: January 27 “PFAS in our Water.”